
Amna Javed
Amna Javed
Published in
1 min readApr 29, 2019


Like time is

To latitude

My heart is

To solitude!

My souk tired

With trials all in wain

My mind acquired

With enormous strain

My thoughts waver

With my reality

My hallucinations

Are my only perceptions.

I tremble as I realize

That I have faded into oblivion

The dullness of my name

Like a mountain encountering plain

My dreams are

My strongest pain

My nerves electrocute

The circuit of my brain

My lonesomeness

Is fathomless

It is untouched

By solicitude.

Like time is

To latitude

My heart is

To solitude!

Amna Javed




Amna Javed
Amna Javed

A student of grade 12th hoping to discover the mysterious domains of knowledge